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Fairbanks Prevention Alliance
Working together today
to create a safer tomorrow
The Fairbanks Prevention Alliance (FPA) is a coalition coordinated by the Interior Alaska Center For Non-Violent Living (IAC). Its members use this coalition to share community resources and discuss the role of violence prevention in their work. The FPA also provides feedback on IAC's community programs, including Girls on the Run, Coaching Boys Into Men, and Green Dot Bystander Intervention Training.
The FPA operates with a vision of Fairbanks as a resilient, safe, caring, and compassionate community. The FPA Blog helps achieve this vision by teaching readers how they might prevent domestic violence, sexual assault, suicide, and other forms of harm. Whether it's providing information on safely de-escalating violent situations or debunking myths about domestic violence and sexual assault, this blog is a resource for creating a safer tomorrow.

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